Friday 17 August 2007

The Law of Attraction

One my new interests is the law of attraction. This last Spring 2007, I could not help but notice overwhelmingly positive media about the law of attraction. Every media channel, from The New York Times to Oprah raved about the the mystical and magical power of the Law of Attraction. The teachers of The Secret promised overwhelming change in an individual's life, if one simply changed one's thoughts. The Secret teacher's mantra was/is "thoughts become things." The stated that if an individual continually thinks about wealth and prosperity, that individual will attract more wealth and prosperity into his/her life.

As a natural skeptic, I decided to test the ever popular theory for myself. Therefore, I read, Ms. Byrne's, New York Times Best Seller, "The Secret," to learn more about the law of attraction. She used the metaphor of the universe being similar to a colossal catalogue with an infinite variety of experiences and situations tailor made to order. To utilize, the law of attraction, 1) all one had to do was place a request with the universe, 2)believe this request would be fulfilled, and 3) receive or achieve the request. After having read the book, I cautiously applied her three rudimentary principles. In just three months, I was startled with the effortless means I obtained results. In just three months with little additional effort, I earned an additional $10,000 dollars, lost 10 pounds, and gained better health.

Why The Law of Attraction Works
Intrigued, I researched why this seemingly abstract principle worked. My research gleaned that the law of attraction works because the body's rectangular activating system and subconscious mind synthesize in overtime to reach the goal. In other words, if one keeps one's eyes focused on the prize, the mind and body combine in overdrive to achieve the goal. In addition, the law of attraction works because once one's thoughts are properly aligned, one procrastinates less and takes more inspired action toward the goal.

To apply the law of attraction, just relax and close your eyes, and visualize your life just as you want to be. In vivid detail, visualize yourself having reached all your goals, with all the material possessions you want, and all emotions you want to possess concerning what you have achieved. See yourself driving the new sports car, walking through the spectacular new house, walking in the more trim and fit body, and winning the promotion at work. Feel the feelings you will have when you achieve your goals. Feel the joy of the new sports car, the pride in the new house, the satisfaction with the new career, the happiness with the new slim and attractive body. If any negative thoughts or resistances come into your mind, let them drift away. Most importantly, feel good about yourself and your goals. Do this twice a day for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 at night. At night rehearse and re-visualize to correct conversations, situations, or behaviors, that you would have performed differently during the day. But also plan and visualize for the next day.

An Interesting Question? The Role of Action
An interesting abstract question since the law of attraction primarily involves the mind, is whether the law of attraction work without action? It can. For example. if someone really believes they will win the lottery, can they win the lottery without buying a ticket? Yes, for instance, say this individual really believes he or she will, then he or she might miraculously find a lottery ticket that someone else bought and left on a counter. (However, it is much harder to make the law of attraction work this way because one is not working in alignment with the law of attraction. ) To expedite alignment with the universal law of the universe, take inspired action towards your goal every day. If one is thinking inspired thoughts, action is easier to take, and resistance and procrastination toward the goal are signifcantly less.

  1. If you have any comments, or also wanted to testify how the law of attraction has worked in your life, please leave a post at